Day 16 – 22nd April 2014 leave 8.30am Miles rode 28 Istanbul

Good day today, I rode over one of the main bridges which crosses ‘The Bospherous’ so I stepped into Asia for the first time on this trip, afterwards I made my way to meet Ceyhan a Bulgarian guy who lives in Istanbul (Oli, another overland biker put me touch with him), he’s a biker too. He kindly took delivery of my credit card which I left in Switzerland (the hotel posted it on).

Ceyhan has a bike garage / workshop where bikers hang out so when I’m back in Istanbul I’ll do a mini service on my bike there and hang out for a while. Ceyhan might ride up to the Black Sea with me.

In the afternoon I rode into Central Istanbul where the markets are, it was mad but the bike and panniers are working perfectly (the thin style of them allowing me to filter in traffic) and I loved it.

Another evening chillin in Istanbul, I’m starting to really like the place and looking forward to returning and I haven’t even left yet.